The door opened and he quickly stepped into the office. He was nervous. Nervous for the show that would not happen. In short clipped steps he walked over and stood in front of her, his body tight and shoulders pulled up and in as if he were a turtle and would pull his head in to protect himself. The boy came over and stood at her knee. "Mom?" he said as his blue eyes darted trying to take in everything before flight was needed. The woman uncrossed her legs, closed the old annual she was paging through and smiled.
"Hey Babe", she answered in what she hoped her most reassuring voice. The woman stood up and guided her child out of the school office.
"Am I in trouble Mom?" he asked sneaking sideways glances at her as her hurried to keep up with her long pace. "You are wearing your angry boots."
She looked down at the hard sound coming from her feet. Her foot wear a solid black leather with a nice heel. She wore them when she needed to be as big as the world.
"Your not in trouble. Get every thing out of your locker. Your principal is dead meat though."
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Dear Buy the No Name Steaks From the Back of My Truck
Do not knock on my door and halfway through your sales spiel, point to one of my cows and ask "What's that?"
Dear Customer Service Hot Line Attendents
Make English your first and only language or take up factory work.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It almost broke her heart
when he said, "Um. Your hair. It's finally growing back? It looks...ok? The dude had never complimented her since she met him. On her worse day ever he tried awkwardly.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
It almost broke her heart
When he told her the candy drawer was empty. "How can that be?" her voice echoed back from what used to be her pleasure center.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
It almost broke her heart
When the girl mustered the courage to tell about the pedophile which there after labeled her a sluty trouble maker.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
It almost broke her heart
When he snubbed out his cigarette on the night stand and asked her if she wanted to see a picture of his girlfriend.
Monday, May 04, 2009
It almost broke her heart
When she was told the extended warranty she had purchased two years ago on her new Jeep had never been sent into the Chrysler corporation before the dealership filed bankruptcy.
It almost broke her heart
And it left an impressive bruise on her boob when she walked into his back swing.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
It almost broke her heart
When she finaly opened the small musky trunk full of pictures of those she lost to give to the family that never had.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
It almost broke her heart
Watching the movie "What's eating Gilbert Grape", a life time after reading the novel, her perspective packed itself into an airstream and she cried.
Friday, May 01, 2009
It almost broke her heart
When he said, "That picture is rwelve grand, you still want it on your credit card?"
It almost broke her heart
When the boy quietly asked, "Mom why didn't you stand up for me?", and she realized she should have kicked the specialist's stupid ass twenty minutes too late.
It almost broke her heart
When she was finally able to sit down by herself on a Saturday night child free.
It almost broke her heart
When he asked her to the prom by walking up to the group of girls she was standing with and said, "Any of you not have a date?"
It almost broke her heart
When the bad Dr. said, "When I fix that chip, I can also fill in that gap of yours."
"I love my gap", she whistled.
"I love my gap", she whistled.
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